Principle 1 Adaptation – Week 1.5 – 2024

 January 4, 2024 

Principle 1. The Principle of Adaptation. First and half Week.
“To Go Against the Evolution of Things is to Go Against Oneself”

Last time: A New Cycle, New Paths, and Of Course a Story!

This time: Getting the Game Going, Some Examples

This Week

This week we will take a little time to make sure we get how to play the first of the new games. Were you able to Find it? That is, were you able to find the principle, or aspects of it in the lyrics from a song, a story you recall, perhaps a poem, or a film, etc?

. At our next meeting we’ll have a chance to discuss all that, and to talk a little about the next game.

Find it (again)

Did you find it difficult to directly dredge up an example or two? 

Perhaps, it’s worth experimenting with another approach.

Magic of the Copresence

Let’s review what was said previously about the “magic of the copresence”. Think of it as the lazy person’s way. It is an indirect approach where you set up the search and just let it go, just let it happen. 

One way to reinforce this effort (i.e. to charge that copresent element) is to take a moment before getting out of bed and say to yourself something  like: “I’m about to open my eyes and start my day. During my activities, I will try to apply this principle and to discover examples of it around me”

Then you drop it there, not in the centre of your consciousness but way off in the edges and let it do its work. 

Just before going to sleep, you can reflect on it again. Review what you learned about the principle during the day, and what you will do with it when you get up.

Last week’s story of a flying turtle is a great an example of a cultural artifact (an ancient one) that embodies certain aspects of the principle.

In fact, the story we read each month when we begin a principle is just that sort of thing.

Here’s some more examples to kickstart your thinking about finding it.

First some “high culture”. I thought Chris suggested this one, but he tells me it wasn’t him. Well, no matter who first suggested it here’s something from Mister Shakespeare. It’s about the importance of understanding the direction of the great forces that move things, and of adapting to them. 

There is a tide in the affairs of men.

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat,

And we must take the current when it serves,

Or lose our ventures.

Julius Caesar 4:3

An example that is perhaps not quite as fancy as Shakespeare’s is this one from Roberto. He mentioned that hidden in the story of Snow White is an example of ignoring this principle. To see it you just have to ask about evil queens’ story rather than that of the princess. The queen/witch/step-mother is used to being the most beautiful. But her identity is threatened as the magic mirror declares Snow White the fairest in the land. The queen’s inability to face (or better) embrace the consequences of aging (the evolution of things), lead to a series of otherwise avoidable tragedies.

And for a final found treasure Petur wanted to  share this lesson found in some lyrics from Cousin Caterpillar:

My cousin as you see

Takes his changes easily

O happy we

Could we take each change so easily

Here’s the whole tune from seminal ‘60s “psychedelic folk group”, The Incredible String Band

Coming Up-

At our next meeting we’ll continue with this principle and this game. The following week we’ll consider what ramifications the application of this principle might have for our present situation.

We will also introduce our next game, its called:

Ask about it.

Worth Repeating-

This week Karina reminded us of this question from Silo.

Here is my question: As life goes by, is it happiness or suffering that grows within you? Do not ask that I define these words; answer instead according to what you feel…

Though you may be wise and powerful, if happiness and liberty do not grow in you and in those around you, I will reject your example.

Accept, instead, my proposal: Follow the model of that which is being born, not that which takes the path toward death. Leap over your suffering, and it will not be the abyss but life that grows within you.

Internal Landscape I:1-3


The principles are only superficially rules or commandments. They aren’t justified by external authority or tradition. Their justification is found in our own registers. Their value lays in their guiding us toward internal unity, and away from contradiction.

Want More-

Why not join us at our weekly meeting. Every Wednesday at 6:30PM ET. Ask me for a Zoom link or find it on our Facebook Page.


These notes have been posted on Facebook (Community of Silo’s Message Toronto Annex) and sent to our email list. You will also find them along with other comments, and reflections on my website:

Until next time…