
Principle 10 Solidarity – Week 2 – 2024

October 4, 2024 

Principle 10. Solidarity. Week 2 

When You Treat Others As You Would Have Them Treat You, You Liberate Yourself.

Last time: The Key (and Houdini enchained)

This time: The Social Dimension


The principles are simply platitudes if you don’t make the effort to transform them into something more. They are not important because they are commanded by some deity, sanctioned by other people, or by respected institutions. 

They are important if they can help you build a more coherent life filled with growing Peace in yourself, and around you, internal Force to face life’s difficulties, and the Joy of an open future.

This Week:

Last week we focused on the principle’s structure and general meaning. This week we will be thinking about how we applied, or could have applied, the principle of solidarity in our past.

Try This:

1. Recall a situation in the recent, or distant past where you treated someone as you want to be treated. 

2. Think of a situation where you didn’t. 

3. What was the result in each case? 

4. Try to identify the circumstances that encouraged one behaviour or the other?

To help gain some new perspectives we will also play  

The Game of the Week.

Ask About It!

The basic idea is simple: turn to someone and ask them what they understand this principle to mean.  Asking them may involve the difficult task of taking a little risk, and overcoming any initial self-censorship. But, why the hesitation and inhibitions? You’re only asking someone’s opinion. 

Try it out. Simply ask a friend, your neighbour, family member, or some stranger on the street. The point is to solicit their opinion, and then the hard part. You need to listen — whatever they say whether you find it: brilliant, silly, or misguided.

Personal Reflections:

Instead of my reflections, this week I’m again posting some reflections Roberto shared with a while back. Unfortunately, his comments are still very relevant to this historical moment through which we are living.

And speaking of other peoples’ contributions, how about some jokes, stories, or alternative principles that cast light on principle ten. Care to share your thoughts on a principle? Join us at our meeting, we welcome your input.

Here are Roberto’s reflections on this week’s principle: 

The Principle of Solidarity.

The Principle of what? Solidarity? To me the word ‘solidarity’ conjures up images of labour unions; Lech Walesa and Poland’s "Solidarność" movement in the 1980s, for example. Or else I imagine archival film from the 1930s, people marching in the streets, “Workers of the World, Unite!”—that kind of thing.

In other words, when I think of the term, "Solidarity," I think of the past. Silo made reference to this in Letters to my Friends, pointing out how the term had withered away over time: “By now, traditional ‘solidarity,’ heir to what was once known as ‘fraternity’ has lost all meaning.”

If solidarity/fraternity is rather dépassé , what of liberty and equality—the two other terms of the French Revolution’s battle cry?

Nowadays, it seems that people make all kinds of, usually well-justified, demands for equality. Demands for freedom (liberty) are also current (although perhaps not always so well-justified). But no, we never hear anything about solidarity, the one term that is unequivocally social in scope. There is occasional talk about helping the poor or the homeless, or about giving money or vaccines to help developing nations, and this could certainly be understood as an expression of solidarity, but the word itself is gone from the glossary of public discourse. Just imagine – what public figure could say it today with a straight face?  “Wha’d you say, ‘Solidarity’?? What are ya—a communist or something?”

And yet the idea of “the Golden Rule”, of “treating others as you want to be treated” is not strange to people. Of course, the proposal may not be practiced very seriously, it might be paid lip service much more than put into practice, but the proposal is well known.

In reflecting on the general sense of this Principle, I noticed that when I think of it as the Principle of Solidarity, I start to think of it much more amply, more socially, than I normally do. That is, I tend to consider this Principle as something personal, something that I can try to aim for in my relations with others—and of course it is that. (And of course, as soon as you talk about interacting with others, you’re talking about what is social.) But somehow, understanding this as a principle of ‘solidarity’ helps me to see that acting like this can be more than just a way of “liberating myself” (as if that weren’t enough already!). Acting according to this principle could be a way, perhaps, of bridging the vast gaps that have opened up between people today, of “reweaving the social fabric.”

Sometimes I don’t know how I might ever be able to communicate with people who are vastly different than I am, who have very different, let’s say, political opinions than I do. I really don’t know how I could begin to bridge that gap with them. But if I imagine that, first and foremost, I could start by treating them as I would like to be treated, suddenly it seems that solidarity – even with these people! - could be possible. And of course it’s not magic, and it wouldn’t be easy and it leaves much to be determined (as applying any of the Principles does), but framed as a principle of solidarity, this proposal points out how we might advance in that direction, in the direction of bringing people together, despite our differences -- differences which today everyone seems so keen on emphasizing and insisting upon.

Well, this is all kind of obvious, I suppose, since Silo has always pointed out that the personal and the social (or the internal and external) are not separate spheres. But meditating a bit on the name of this Principle has brought this wider social dimension to the fore, perhaps because the interpersonal and social crisis around us seems sharper than ever.


Meditation isn’t Only for When You Close Your Eyes.

It is here amid all the little joys and daily crap that we can actually create a practice that can be practiced at every moment and in every circumstance. This is a dynamic meditation, requiring neither particular postures, or wardrobe, nor any special conditions. With time and application these efforts give all my activities a particular tone, mood, and mental direction.  


“If my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions are in agreement, if they all go in the same direction, if my actions do not create contradiction with what I feel, then I can say that my life has coherence. But though I am true to myself, this does not necessarily mean I am being true to those in my immediate environment. I still need to achieve this same coherence in my relationships with others, treating them the way I would like to be treated”.

Silo_ Letters to My Friends 

Worth Repeating:

“Learn to treat others in the way that you want to be treated.” 

Silo_ The Path 

Coming up:

Next week we will continue with our considerations of The Principle of Solidarity, in relation to our current situation. 

These notes have been posted on our Facebook page (Community of Silo’s Message Toronto Annex), sent to our email list, and are also on my webpage at


Included is a cartoon illustrating one of the many ways "the golden rule" is misunderstood.

A Gift: 

In some moment of the day or night inhale a breath of air and imagine that you carry this air to your heart. Then, ask with strength for yourself and for your loved ones. Ask with strength to move away from all that brings you contradiction; ask for your life to have unity. Don't take a lot of time with this brief prayer, this brief asking, because it is enough that you interrupt for one brief moment what is happening in your life for this contact with your interior to give clarity to your feelings and your ideas.

Silo_ La Reja, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005